
All the news that's fit to print for New Zealand ILCA racers.

2025 Auckland ILCA Open, Youth and Masters Champs

  • Tamaki Yacht Club
  • Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th April 2025
  • Notice of Race
  • Open and Youth - 2-day regatta
  • Masters - 1-day Saturday regatta
  • but Masters can enter for both days to be scored in Open too

Guinness World Record for Salability Auckland

Auckland sailor Fiona Heenan who has recently returned to sailing ILCA 6 after a long absence set off on an epic adventure last week. She is attempting to set a new Guinness World Record  - longest distance in a single handed dinghy (female).

Lucy Luxford at the 2025 Oceania and Australian ILCA Nationals

The 2025 Oceania and Australian ILCA Nationals was a great opportunity and I was lucky enough to be a part of the Solidarity Program, which selects a female youth sailor from each state in Australia and from New Zealand and supports them to compete in the Oceania and Australia Nationals.

The program was all about making friends from different places, learning new things, and competing in a high performance regatta with lots of participants. I was given the opportunity to go to Brisbane and compete within this program, where I gained lots of experience sailing the ILCA 4.

More on the Solidarity Program

The sailing in Brisbane was really good with a minimum of 25 degrees everyday and lots of wind. My favourite day was the first one where 36 knot gusts sent us all off the course at the same time, making it very interesting on the ramp while over 200 sailors tried to find their 'dolleys'.

The program supplied a brand-new boat from Performance Sailcraft, a sail for the regatta, coaching, uniform, and entry fee. I made friends with people from all around Australia which was great fun and also means that I will know lots of people from Australia for my next international regatta.

I want to thank all the people who made it possible for me to be a part of this experience and the people who helped me immensely while I was there. Thanks also to Vaikobi, Performance Sailcraft for supplying our boats, the Australian ILCA association for making everything possible, and the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron for hosting the event.


- Lucy Luxford

ILCA's at the 2025 Auckland Anniversary Regatta - Cancelled

We have cancelled the ILCA sailing for the 2025 Auckland Anniversary Regatta.

The current and forecast conditions are too strong for most ILCA sailors. And this has been consistent with the forecast over the past fw days.

So sorry about that. But we will be back racing at Tamaki YC next Saturday.

Lucy Luxford NZL Selection for the 2025 Solidarity Program is proud to announce that Lucy Luxford has been selected to represent New Zealand in the 2025 Solidarity Program.
This program encourages young female sailors (ages 13-16) to participate in a world-class sailing championship and aims to foster a lasting love for sailing among young girls and support their development within the sport.
Lucy aims to progress through the youth classes and the solidarity program has provided a once in a lifetime opportunity to international experience in the ILCA 4 within a supportive and collaborative experience.  Past representatives have expressed how much they learned as well as the long lasting friendships they have made.
Good luck Lucy!

2025 Oceania 4.7 Youth Solidarity Program

Calling on any NZ female youth sailors who are interested in attending the 2025 Youth Solidarity Program.

We can send one sailor from NZ.

Applicants must be;
• A NZ citizen
• A member of
• An ILCA 4 female sailor aged 13-16 years as at 1 January 2025 with a minimum body weight of 50kg.

More details at:

Auckland Anniversary Regatta

ILCA racing at Tamaki YC
Briefing 11:30am
First race 12:30pm, 3 races back to back
Enter at the club on the day
Sailing Instructions

Sailing fair and proud of it

Hi everyone,

As the new season starts it a great time to reflect on how fairly each and every one of us sail.

The answer is that 99% of ILCA sailors play fair 99% of the time, and that fantastic. Thanks to everyone who respects their fellow sailors, plays fair and plays by the rules. It's great that ILCA is blessed with such a great bunch of fair sailors.

There are of course times when we have a momentary lapse, and either forget the rules or forget that if we have forgotten the rules, or that dammed weather mark just jumped up by itself and hit us, we should take the initiative and do our turn/s. Be fair, do the penalty, deal with it then and there and then carry on and set about recovering.
Sure it's tempting to think "it's just a club race" or "I did not mean to hit the mark, it was the marks fault", or maybe "I did not really impact their race" or even "there's no judge so that odd extra pump and roll will not get picked up", let alone "well port is pretty close to starboard". 
Let's put all the excuses away once and for all. We all know marks are not to be hit. We all know we can't just be pumping, rocking and rolling when we feel like it and really all of us know port should give way, every time. 
So let's all play fair 100% of the time. If you do unfortunately infringe you probably know deep down that you have. You normally at least have a pretty dam good idea that you have probably infringed, particularly if someone takes the trouble to hail you about it! It does not matter whether you are a world ranked sailor in a world championship or a casual club racer anywhere. If you think you have had a hiccup, do your turns, feel good about playing the game fairly then carry on. Avoid any ill feeling and know you have done the right thing.
Let's all sail by the rules, but at the same time let's not annoy everyone else in the fleet by being a pain and trying to over use (or misuse) every last nuance of the rules to squeeze out the opposition. 
So this season let's have 100% of ILCA sailors play fair 100% of the time. Let's all feel good about how we sail, every time we sail, regardless of if we are at the front or back of our fleet; ILCA 4,ILCA 6 or ILCA 7; Youth, Open or Master; Pupuke, Bluff or anywhere in between, or even at a World Champs if we are lucky enough to be there.
Sail fair, enjoy sailing fair and let's all be proud of it.
Nick Page
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