Results & Reports

ILCA regatta reports and results.
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2016 Auckland Masters Laser Results & Report

  • Standard Results
  • Radial Results
  • The 2016 Auckland Masters was held at Tamaki on Saturday 2 April. 

    The fleet of 25 Full rigs and 9 Radials arrived to a promise of a building N to NW wind for the day. Unfortunately it was not to be and we never got much over 5 knots all day which, combined with an offshore power boat race through our course at lunchtime, resulted in only 3 races being completed before a rain squall completely killed the breeze for the day.

    The light and patchy conditions made consistency almost impossible, with everyone getting caught in holes and unfavourable shifts at times. The first race started on time and in the Standards ancient local knowledge proved the difference with GGM and Tamaki commodore Bob Blakey somehow finding his own breeze in the middle of the course to take the lead at the half way point and carry on to an epic victory. Not to be outdone the next generation of Blakey made it a father and son double with Master Richard winning the Radials first race.

    The fleet now alerted to the Blakey magic was on their toes for the second race, managing to relegate both Blakey’s down the fleet showing that even at Tamaki lightning doesn’t strike twice! Team Hamilton visitor Ken Atchison (AM) enjoyed an all the way victory in the Standards while AM Scott Leith managed to show the Radials that he was on form after all and the first race 3rd was an aberration. In the 3rd Race Chris Brodie (M) backed up a 2nd in Race 1 with a convincing victory in race 3 to take out the Standard trophy from Ken with former top Laser sailor Mark Oliver (M) getting back into a Laser after many years to start his training for the World Masters Games and secure 3rd overall. First GM was another Hamilton visitor Scott McDougall in 4th overall.

    Whangarei visitor GM Roger Winton was victorious in R3 of the Radials but Scott’s second was just enough for him to come out on top by a point from Roger with Richard a couple of points back in 3rd the first Master.

    So another strong Masters turnout for the Roast Beef sandwiches at the prize giving and thanks to sponsors Smart Marine and Watershed for some great prizes.

    Nick Page

    2016 Auckland Laser Champs

    All Results

    Murrays Bay SC hosted the 2016 Auckland Laser Championships this weekend with the 46 Standard and Radial sailors facing a variety of challenging conditions over the 2 days. The fleet included a strong international contingent, who were competing as a prelude to Sail Auckland next weekend, with sailors from Canada, China, Korea, Singapore and South Africa competing in addition to a good cross section of the local Laser fleet.

    The start of racing on Saturday was delayed due to an unstable SW breeze fighting a forecast sea breeze that in fact never eventuated. Racing finally got underway in a light and very shifty SW breeze which constantly challenged all the sailors with major shifts and pressure variations from less than 5 knots to an occasional 12 knot puffs which seemed to appear from nowhere. The scheduled 3 races were completed with the cream as usual rising to the top in spite of the challenges. So after day 1 world top 40 ranked sailor Colin Cheng from Singapore led the Standards with reigning Apprentice World Champion, and current MBSC commodore, Scott Leith leading the Radials.

    Day 2 provided significantly more breeze, with a tricky & variable 10 knot SW for the first race shifting to the South and strengthening to about 15 knots for the final 2 races, which still delivered plenty of shifts and pressure variations. 

    In the Standards Colin Cheng held onto his overnight lead with a strong 1/2/1 record to win convincingly over South African sailor Stephano Marcia with Chinese sailor Jianan Wu in third.  First under 21 sailor was Tim Adair from Murrays Bay in 7th overall while the first master was another local, Dean Drummond in 9th overall.

    In the Radials Scott Leith was also able to hold onto his overnight lead, although two bullets for leading NZ women’s sailor Sara Winther did put some pressure on Scott and lifted Sara to third overall. Leading Youth, in 2nd overall, was a consistent George Gautrey, who continues a great streak of form following his excellent results at the recent ISAF Youth Worlds and NZ Laser Nationals. Visitor Kim Da Jeong was the leading female youth sailor.

    So following this weekend successful regatta we can look forward to a top quality contest at next weeks Sail Auckland regatta also being held at Murrays Bay, with the NZL Laser team sailors and more international sailors joining the fleet.

    Nick Page
    NZLA Chairman

    Laser Standard

              R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Total Nett
    1st 197538 Colin Cheng Singapore open 1 -3 1 1 2 1 9 6
    2nd 207559 Stefano Marcia WYAC open (26 UFD) 1 4 2 7 2 42 16
    3rd 211551 Jianan Wu Jiangsu open 2 2 3 4 5 -10 26 16
    4th 206034 Jeong Bo Chungnam open 3 -15 2 3 4 4 31 16
    5th 200817 Ning Zhao Jiangsu open 5 4 7 (26 UFD) 1 3 46 20
    6th 203460 Jinfu Zhou Jiangsu open 6 -14 5 5 3 5 38 24
    7th 195538 Tim Adair MBSC U21 4 6 9 6 6 -18 49 31
    8th 191616 Luke Deegan SSANZ open 8 -21 6 8 11 11 65 44
    9th 19810 Dean Drummond MBSC open -15 7 13 7 12 7 61 46
    10th 208069 Fillah Karim Vancouver U21 10 8 -15 12 8 8 61 46
    11th 203776 James Jennings MBSC U21 11 9 -23 13 9 9 74 51
    12th 195704 Taua Elisa MSC open 16 12 -24 10 13 6 81 57
    13th 196302 Lee Ein Hwan Chungnam U21 9 -20 8 9 15 16 77 57
    14th 174323 Cris Brodie TSC open -21 16 18 11 10 13 89 68
    15th 7 Dario Muto PLSC open 7 5 10 (26 DNC) 26 DNC 26 DNC 100 74
    16th 200531 Yuchen Gu Jiangsu open 17 -24 12 14 17 15 99 75
    17th 198107 Nick Page Pupuke GM 19 11 -21 20 14 12 97 76
    18th 198114 Tony Nicholson MBSC Master 12 -23 11 19 18 17 100 77
    19th 210161 Chris Sadler Tamaki GM 13 19 14 17 -20 14 97 77
    20th 192705 Ken Atchison Hamilton AM 18 -25 19 16 16 19 113 88
    21st 17432 Greg Wishire Thames open (26 UFD) 17 16 15 21 20 115 89
    22nd 202918 Mike Knowsley Tamaki open -23 13 20 18 19 21 114 91
    23rd 208517 Park Jong Kyun Chungnam U21 14 18 -25 22 22 22 123 98
    24th 158903 Andrew Coffin PLSC open 20 10 22 23 -24 24 123 99
    25th 192308 Ian Wallace PLSC GGM 22 22 17 21 -23 23 128 105

    Laser Radial

    Rank SailNo HelmName Club Category M/F R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Total Nett
    1st 208521 Scott Leith MBSC AM M 2 1 1 -4 1 2 11 7
    2nd 206419 George Gautrey Muratai Youth M 1 3 -14 3 4 4 29 15
    3rd 202441 Sara Winther Takapuna / Akarana open W 5 -6 6 1 3 1 22 16
    4th 209259 Josh Armit MBSC Youth M -7 4 7 2 2 3 25 18
    5th 209278 Jason Hewitt HYC Youth M 6 -7 2 6 6 6 33 26
    6th 204111 Loic Eisenring PLSC MBSC U21 M 3 10 3 -11 5 5 37 26
    7th 192281 Susannah Pyatt MBSC open W 4 2 4 5 (22 DNC) 22 DNC 59 37
    8th 182978 Joshua Bull MBSC Youth M (22 UFD) 8 15 7 7 10 69 47
    9th 202688 Sam Rushton TYPBC Youth M 13 12 12 9 8 -17 71 54
    10th 198108 Libby Porter KYC open W 11 -18 9 14 10 11 73 55
    11th 5712 Teau Mckenzie MBSC open W 8 11 17 -18 11 9 74 56
    12th 20852 Damian Sari MBSC Youth M 12 9 10 10 15 -18 74 56
    13th 178671 Kim Da Jeong Chungnam Youth W 10 5 5 -21 19 20 80 59
    14th 208359 Gus Fry Muratai GGM M 17 -19 13 8 14 8 79 60
    15th 193052 Sam Beckman MBSC Youth M 16 -17 8 12 13 13 79 62
    16th 192279 Michelle Bain TSC Master W 15 -16 11 13 12 12 79 63
    17th 178818 Finn Drummond MBSC Youth M 9 14 16 -17 9 16 81 64
    18th 207851 Megan Thomson FBYC Youth W 18 13 (22 DNF) 16 22 UFD 7 98 76
    19th 195540 Elly Warren TYPBC Youth W 19 15 18 -20 16 14 102 82
    20th 185811 Annabelle Rennie-Younger MBSC Youth W 14 -20 19 15 17 19 104 84
    21st 190329 Julia Francis MBSC open W (22 DNC) 22 DNC 22 DNC 19 18 15 118 96

    2016 Canterbury Laser Champs

    Over the weekend of the 13th 14th February 2016 34 keen Laser sailors headed down to the Mt Pleasant on the Christchurch estuary for 9.00 and 9.30 starts. 

    Saturday’s first race was a tricky downwind start in a dying Southerly. 2 ½ hours later we finished in a light Easterly breeze. The Full Rig places seemed to change somewhat as some were becalmed and others bought the new breeze through. All in all a very frustrating race I would say by all!

    The second race the light Easterly remained and we just finished with enough water to spare.

    Day 2 we managed 4 races a piece in all the fleets in a light Easterly breeze.

    Thanks to Mt Pleasant and especially Phil Galloway for hosting the regatta. It was great to see so many Lasers sailing off the one club in Christchurch.

    The wind gods were not kind but we did well to get 6 races done and dusted in unusually light weather conditions.

    The Standard rigs were won by Richard Ineson  from Cyc, with Nick James 2nd and Haydn James 3rd.

    Sam Higginbottom won the 4.7s with Annah Winheld 2nd.

    In the Radials Dougal Frame was a convincing winner with Craig Atkinson beating Dad Hamish for 2nd and 3rd.

    We don’t do light - Final Day at the Woodridge Homes NZ National Laser Champs

    Wellington again turned it on for the final day of the 2016 Woodridge Homes NZ Laser Nationals at Muritai Yacht Club in Wellington.

    A light breeze greeted the 92 sailors as they arrived at the club and some of us were led to believe that the local Masters “we don’t do Light” was a Wellington myth. However true to Wellington form by start time it had built to 20 knots, again from the NW, and we ended up with the freshest day of the contest with gusts at times touching 30 knots and plenty of shifts and variation in pressure for those smart enough to take advantage. The outgoing tide ensured that conditions were not too rough and all fleets completed 2 races to complete their full complement of races for the contest.

    In the Open Standard fleet Andrew McKenzie again took command from the start of each race to record two wins and an emphatic overall victory, winning 8 of the 10 races. Visiting Chinese sailors Ning Zhao and Jinfu Zhou were 2nd and 3rd in both todays races and overall with Matthew Kempkers from Auckland 4th.

    The Radial Open contest was only decided in the final race and provided the highlight for the host club with club youth star George Gautrey, fresh from his second in the ISAF worlds youths, scoring a 1/2 today to secure victory over reigning World Apprentice Master champion Scott Leith, who also scored a 1/2 today but ended up 3 points behind George. Third was Chinese visitor Jianan Wu who was extremely  consistent and only 2 points behind Scott. The leading woman was Susannah Pyatt in 6th  and Worser Bay youth sailor Olivia Christie had an exceptionally strong regatta to finish 9th overall and first youth girl, out sailing many more experienced competitors despite the testing conditions.

    After a really close contest visiting French sailor Juliette Bone claimed victory in the 4.7 division over Worser Bay sailor Amy Anderson.

    Local talent was again to the fore in the Masters Divisions, with many of the sailors using the regatta to start to prepare for the Laser sailing at the 2017 World Masters Games in Auckland.

    The Standard Masters division saw local Andrew Dellabarca securing an extremely well deserved victory with a 2/3 scoreline today to defeat the reigning champion, Apprentice Kris Decke from Whangarei by 5 points. Grand Masters Peter Kempkers, who had a great day winning both Masters races, and Murray Thom were 3rd and 4th respectively.

    In the Radial Masters Ed Tam from Worser Bay won comfortably overall. He had a 3/1 record today to win clearly from Master Hamish Atkinson from Christchurch. First Grand Master was Roger Winton from Whangarei and after an intense battle of the Grand Masters Eastbourne’s Garth Cheyne took out the division from Bob Blakey and Gus Fry in 6th, 7th and 8th overall.

    So we have concluded a wonderfully successful contest with testing conditions and every division well contested. Next year’s contest will be in Taupo which is sure to provide a whole new set of challenges for sailors. The top 5 in each division were;

    Nick Page
    NZLA Chairman

    Top 5 in each fleet at the end of todays racing;

    Open Standard
    1. Andrew McKenzie, Auckland
    2. Ning Zhao, China
    3 Jinfu Zhou, China.
    4. Matt Kempkers, Auckland
    5. James Jennings, Auckland

    Open Radial
    1. George Gautrey, Eastbourne
    2. Scott Leith, Auckland
    3. Jianan Wu, China
    4. Josh Armit, Auckland
    5. Alastair Gifford, Auckland

    Standard Masters
    1. Andrew Dellabarca, Wellington
    2. Kris Decke, Whangarei
    3. Peter Kempkers, Auckland
    4. Murray Thom, Auckland
    5. Rob Woodward, Wellington

    Radial Masters
    1. Ed Tam, Worser Bay
    2. Hamish Atkinson, Christchurch
    3. Greg Wilshire, Auckland
    4. Roger Winton, Whangarei
    5. Mike Knowsley, Auckland

    Full Results

    2016 Woodridge Homes NZ National Laser Champs Results

    Laser Standard Open
    Series Place Sail No Helm Series Points Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Race 8 Race 9 Race 10
    1 207496 Andrew McKenzie 10 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1
    2 200817 NingZ Zhao 21 4 2 2 2 7 2 2 3 2 2
    3 203460 Jinfu Zhou 26 1 3 4 4 3 4 3 2 3 3
    4 208519 Matthew Kempkers 28 3 4 3 1 2 3 4 4 4 4
    5 203776 James Jennings 46 7 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 7
    6 200531 Yuchen Gu 51 5 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 5

    Laser Radial Open & Youth

    Series Place Sail No Class Helm Series Points Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Race 8 Race 9 Race 10
    1 206419 Youth George Gautrey 15 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 3 2 1
    2 208521 Open Scott Leith 18 4 1 1 3 36 3 2 1 1 2
    3 192881 Open Jianan Wu 20 1 3 5 1 2 1 3 2 4 3
    4 209259 Youth Josh Armit 42 5 4 4 6 5 4 5 5 7 4
    5 207850 Youth Alastair Gifford 43 6 6 17 5 4 6 4 4 3 5
    6 192281 Women Susannah Pyatt 46 3 5 8 4 3 5 6 6 10 6
    7 206030 Women Ali Nightingale 58 10 7 3 7 6 7 9 7 5 7
    8 206027 Open Dylan Mckinlay 75 9 8 9 8 10 9 7 9 8 8
    9 209279 Youth Olivia Christie 80 8 9 11 17 11 10 8 8 6 9
    10 197247 Youth Blake Nicholson 91 14 12 10 9 7 8 14 11 9 11
    11 209278 Youth Jason Hewitt 112 18 13 6 10 8 20 10 14 20 13
    12 190332 Youth Kiriffi Leilua 115 23 10 13 28 9 12 12 10 14 12
    13 204111 Open Loic Eisenring 121 12 15 12 11 18 21 13 12 13 15
    14 207851 Youth Megan Thomson 122 21 11 7 16 13 11 19 17 18 10
    15 191621 Youth Travers Cole 123 7 27 14 14 17 13 11 13 17 17
    16 202688 Youth Samuel Rushton 141 16 18 19 27 12 19 17 15 11 14
    17 193052 Youth Sam Beckman 160 13 14 18 18 14 24 23 20 16 25
    18 192267 Open Bryn Bennett 168 30 16 15 15 21 17 22 24 22 16
    19 195712 Women Teau Moana McKenzie 172 22 20 27 21 16 22 16 23 12 20
    20 198108 Women Libby Porter 174 29 17 23 12 19 18 18 19 26 22
    21 208518 Women Julia Francis 176 24 21 26 25 15 15 20 18 19 19
    22 210160 Youth Richard Wright 188 25 19 25 13 25 23 24 16 27 18
    23 202682 Youth Lochlan Grimwade 194 11 23 20 30 36 14 27 21 21 27
    24 187887 Women Bianca Leilua 201 31 25 29 20 20 16 25 28 15 23
    25 198110 Open Callum Radford 202 19 24 22 23 22 32 21 27 23 21
    26 201517 Youth Philipp Governale 225 15 22 30 24 23 31 33 30 24 26
    27 199215 Youth John Barnett 232 28 26 24 19 26 29 30 25 25 33
    28 202491 Youth Logan McAllister 233 36 28 16 22 36 36 15 26 30 24
    29 192286 Youth Annabell Rennie-Younger 245 17 30 28 29 28 30 31 22 31 30
    30 150060 Open James Sorensen 247 20 29 21 32 29 25 29 31 36 31
    31 205734 Women Mareike Bordasch 252 27 32 31 31 24 26 28 29 28 28
    32 195540 Youth Elly Warren 273 32 31 32 26 31 27 32 33 36 29
    33 181715 Youth Iolo Adams 277 33 34 36 36 27 28 26 32 29 32
    34 179386 Youth Alice Overend 289 26 33 33 33 30 36 34 34 32 34
    35 196410 Youth Henry Goodall 324 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36

    Laser 4.7

    Series Place Sail No Class Helm Series Points Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Race 8 Race 9 Race 10
    1 186634 Under 18 Juliette Bone 12 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2
    2 148903 Under 18 Amy Anderson 14 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1

    Laser Standard Masters

    Series Place Sail No Class Helm Series Points Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Race 8
    1 210462 Master Andrew Dellabarca 14 3 1 7 1 3 1 2 3
    2 199238 Apprentice Kris Decke 19 1 3 3 2 4 4 27 2
    3 199225 Grand Master Peter Kempkers 20 7 5 1 4 1 14 1 1
    4 177771 Grand Master Murray Thom 23 4 2 4 5 2 3 3 7
    5 208529 Master Rob Woodward 40 5 15 5 8 7 6 4 5
    6 196864 Master Owen Anderson 41 6 7 2 12 6 2 6 27
    7 174323 Master Chris Brodie 49 2 4 11 3 11 15 8 10
    8 171098 Apprentice Chris Shannon 55 11 14 9 10 5 5 9 6
    9 192705 Apprentice Ken Atchison 61 14 22 12 7 10 9 5 4
    10 198107 Grand Master Nick Page 66 13 8 10 6 8 11 10 13
    11 198114 Master Tony Nicholson 68 10 11 8 11 12 7 27 9
    12 210161 Grand Master Chris Sadler 71 9 9 16 9 9 8 15 12
    13 196418 Grand Master Peter van Ryn 74 17 6 13 13 18 10 7 8
    14 186528 Master Luuk Batenburg 82 8 10 6 22 20 13 14 11
    15 196872 Apprentice Rodney Studd 92 12 12 14 14 17 12 12 16
    16 197255 Master John Hayman 99 19 13 15 15 14 17 11 14
    17 198105 Grand Master Paul Thomas 115 16 16 17 17 13 19 27 17
    18 176924 Apprentice James Macrae 119 27 18 18 16 15 18 16 18
    19 202872 Apprentice Karl Nicholson 123 20 21 20 18 16 21 13 15
    20 192308 Great Grand Master Ian Wallace 129 18 17 22 20 21 16 17 20
    21 161275 Apprentice Simon Beck 131 15 19 21 19 22 20 18 19
    22 199218 Grand Master Gregory Simon 150 22 20 19 21 19 22 27 27
    23 162124 Grand Master Chris Trudgen 154 21 23 23 23 23 23 19 22
    24 39666 Grand Master Peter Kaufman 167 27 24 25 24 26 27 20 21
    25 190321 Grand Master Jay Mcjorrow 178 23 26 24 26 25 27 27 27
    26 152613 Grand Master Pete Collier 178 24 25 26 25 24 27 27 27

    Laser Radial Masters

    Series Place Sail No Class Helm Series Points Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Race 8
    1 202441 Master Edmund Tam 10 1 1 3 1 1 2 3 1
    2 201518 Master Hamish Atkinson 21 2 2 7 4 3 3 5 2
    3 170335 Master Greg Wilshire 25 4 24 1 3 2 1 7 7
    4 202689 Grand Master Roger Winton 26 3 3 9 6 5 4 1 4
    5 202918 Master Mike Knowsley 31 5 5 6 2 6 6 4 3
    6 180209 Great Grand Master Garth Cheyne 39 8 10 2 14 7 5 2 5
    7 196411 Great Grand Master Bob Blakey 41 10 4 8 5 4 8 6 6
    8 208359 Great Grand Master Gus Fry 51 7 6 4 7 19 9 9 9
    9 162114 Grand Master Jeff Booth 59 11 8 5 9 14 10 8 8
    10 206418 Grand Master Bruce Jones 64 6 7 11 10 8 11 11 13
    11 202681 Grand Master Allan Bindon 76 13 11 12 8 9 12 14 11
    12 181711 Master Chris McCarthy 84 9 9 10 19 17 19 10 10
    13 188809 Master Fergus Thomson 91 12 13 13 20 10 7 18 18
    14 161265 Master Michael Gray 94 15 12 14 12 12 16 15 14
    15 195548 Master Don Christie 98 16 14 15 11 18 13 12 17
    16 170539 Grand Master Tom Kerr 102 19 15 17 13 11 14 16 16
    17 196429 Grand Master Richard Dreverman 113 18 16 18 17 13 17 17 15
    18 186660 Apprentice Dragos Blaga 119 24 24 24 16 15 15 13 12
    19 192707 Grand Master Keith Miller 124 17 24 16 18 16 18 19 20
    20 187886 Grand Master Rob Burn 133 21 17 19 15 21 20 20 21
    21 162120 Grand Master Michael Gibbs 143 20 20 20 22 22 21 21 19
    22 157154 Master Grant Cooze 145 14 18 24 21 20 24 24 24
    23 163938 Great Grand Master Stephen Phillips 161 22 19 24 24 24 24 24 24

    2016 Woodridge Homes NZ National Laser Champs - Muritai YC

    Woodridge Homes was generously supporting the 2016 NZ National Laser ChampsHosted by Muritai Yacht Club - Eastbourne, Wellington.

    • Racing Friday to Monday 22nd - 25th January 2016

    Great Results at the 2015 Youth Worlds

    Fantastic results at the 2015 Youth Worlds in Malaysia for NZL Lasers.

    George Gautrey finished 2nd behind Australian Alistar Young in a 66 boat fleet - with a consistent performance including a 1st and 6 of 9 races in the top 10.

    And Ali Nightingale finished 12th of 54 boats - including a 1st in the first race.

    All results

    Two 2nds for NZL at 2015 Sail Melbourne

    Laser Radial
    Susannah Pyatt 2nd.
    Ali Nightingale 9th
    Julia Francis 20th

    Thomas Saunders 2nd
    Andrew McKenzie 12th
    Matt Blakey 16th
    Matt Kempkers 20th

    All Results

    2015 North Island Laser Champs Report

    Napier again hosted the contest as part of their Summer regatta, with competitors welcomed by 27degree temperatures causing many of the Wellington contingent to remark on the contrast with spring in Wellington! There was a fantastic turnout with over 50 Lasers entered and it was great to see a strong youth contingent and competitors from as far afield as Picton, Christchurch and Whangarei.

    Results for all classes

    Saturday started with a nice 10 knot breeze and all fleets started on time at 11am. However half way through the first race things changed dramatically, with a 35 to 40 knot pressure line coming down from the shore causing some exciting moments for all and causing a fair degree of carnage with bent and broken yachts scattered around the bay. This resulted in the races being abandoned after the leaders finished and all boats being sent ashore. Unfortunately the winds did not moderate until late in the day so there was no more racing possible on Saturday.

    Sunday however delivered fantastic conditions with a light sea breeze slowly building through the day and 4 quality races being completed.
    In the 36 strong Radial fleet youth trumped experience with Josh Armit showing real class in winning two races in dominant style and backing that up with a 2nd and 5th to take the trophy ahead of Albert Stanley from Worser Bay and Alistair Gifford from QCYC who each managed a race win. There was a great turnout for the Youth girls fleet with strong top 10 performances from Ali Nightingale in 5thand Libby Porter in 8th the standouts. Leading Master was Ed Tam in 7th with GM Roger Winton sneaking into the top 10 to provide some balance to the youth domination.
    In the Standards it was again a contest of youth vs experience with Master Andrew Dellabarca repeating last years victory in spite of a strong challenge from last years Radial winner, youth James Jennings who finished 2nd.  Third was Greg Wiltshire from Howick, holding up the Auckland masters end of the contest in what is becoming an annual North vs South challenge. It was interesting to see 3 of the new standard sails being used but all we could conclude from the results was that they seem very close in performance to the old model and there did not seem to be any consistent speed advantage in the conditions we experienced.
    The strong turnout at this regatta bodes well for the Nationals at Muratai in January so we are looking forward to strong Youth and Masters fleets being joined by Open and overseas sailors in what should again provide a quality contest.
    Nick Page

    2015 South Island Laser Champs

    The South Islands were at Charteris Bay  on 21/22 November and attracted sailors from Te Anau, Dunedin, Timaru, Nelson, Queen Charlotte and Christchurch.

    There were 11 Radials and 2 Full Rigs with a good range of Masters, Open, Youth, and Women sailors.

    Saturday was a nice NE wind building through the day starting at 10-15 knots and ending at 20-23 knots.
    Peter Graham from Dunedin dominated the Radials with 1,1,1 score with Hamish on 2,2,2 and Neil Morris a GM also from Dunedin on 3,3,3.
    In the Full Rigs Chris Shannon showed his class with a 1,1,1 and Daryl Parkes 2,2,2.
    Ibobrufen and Panadol and a hot spa were definitely required on Saturday night by some Masters sailors! (Hamish).

    Sunday saw a honking SW in the Bay which gradually reduced over the day and actually went around 180 degrees to the NE again by the end of Race 6.

    Notably the Radials had a different winner in each race, which was nice to see. Daryl Parkes had good speed and won a couple of races from Chris in the Full Rigs, well done.

    Overall Radials:

    • 1st Peter Graham  O(7 pts)
    • 2nd Hamish Atkinson M (11 pts)
    • 3rd  Neil Morris GM (12 pts)
    • 4th  Samuel Rushton Y (18pts)
    • 5th  Alex Morris O(19 pts),
    • 6th Lola Adams W (27pts)
    • 7th Layton Hern
    • 8th Durham Throp
    • 9th Bas Hart
    • 10th Ross Shipman
    • 11th Anna Breen

    Full Rigs:

    • 1st Chris Shannon AM (6pts)
    • 2nd Daryl Parkes (8pts)
    Thanks to Charteris Bay Yacht Club, Canterbury Laser Fleet and Oborns.
    Hamish Atkinson 
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