Results & Reports

ILCA regatta reports and results.
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2019 North Harbour Masters Results & Report


A forecast of 20 to 30 knots freshening for a time in the middle of the day put quite a few off but after a couple of pretty fresh and gusty races to begin with the breeze dropped to around 10 knots for the final 3 races, giving everyone plenty of chances and allowing the fleet to avoid total exhaustion while providing extremely close racing, with many photo finishes right through the fleet.

There were quite a few swimmers in the first 2 races, with the very gusty northerly catching many out on the runs. This mixed up the results quite a bit, leading to an early discard for some of the favourites. In the end Cris Brodie (M) was a clear and well deserved winner in the Standards, showing consistent speed and tactics which enabled him to work up through the fleet on several occasions when he got back a bit early. Starting off the carpark with the breeze from the north provided some interesting challenges, with lulls, squalls and big shifts making getting to the first mark near the top of the bunch a bit of a lottery at times.
Second overall was GM Nick Page, who was looking good after the first 2 races and managed to be just consistent enough over the final 3 races to hold out Master Tony Nicholson. Tony a couple of great races, getting the bullet in race 2, but struggled for consistency and verticality, ending up 3rd overall. Other race winners in the Standards were GM Mark Hursthouse, who finished 4th overall and Thomas Borrmann, who did a horizon job on the fleet in race 4.
In the Radials, who started with the Standards, Apprentice Phil Wild managed a clean sweep, several times also beating almost all of the Standard fleet! Second was GM Werner Hennig who made the drive up from Hamilton for the day, while GM Jeff Coffin just pipped WM Georgina Wooldridge for 3rd spot.
Nick Page

2018 Lake Dunstan BC Laser Regatta - Report

The Lake Dunstan BC Special Laser Regatta was held on December 8th & 9th 2018 and continues to build on previous editions.

Over the weekend there was around 25 Lasers in attendance from across the region including Invercargill, Bluff, Dunedin, Queenstown, Te Anau and Auckland.

There was a range of conditions from light to very strong and as always with lake sailing it provided a few shifts calling for tactical skills from everyone.

The event was won by Daryl Parkes who sailed consistently throughout the regatta to add to his wins from previous years.

Lake Dunstan BC did a fantastic job once again and their continued focus on social Laser sailing is doing wonders for the sport in the region. The lake is an excellent sailing destination with scenery to match. The clubhouse is perfect for the social evenings and has plenty of room for camping around it.

The dates for 2019 are yet to be announced but keep an eye on the event calendar and make this a must-do for the upcoming season. We have identified another 15 lasers locally who could be convinced to attend the next one.

Phillip Bennett

More photos of the event on Facebook



2019 Northshore Freshwater Champs - Results & Report

All 2019 North Shore Fresh Waters Results

Josh Armit wins 2019 NSFW Laser Champs.

There were 40 competitors and a breeze between 6-25 knots from SW over the weekend 18 & 19 May 2019.

  • 1st Radial and 1st Woman overall Sara Winther
  • 1st Radial Youth and 2nd Radial Luke Cashmore
  • 1st Radial Master Werner Hennig
  • 1st Standard overall Josh Armit
  • 1st Standard Apprentice Master Dave Ridley
  • 1st Standard Master Tony Nicholson
  • 1st Standard Grand Master Mark Hursthouse
  • 1st Standard Great Grand Master Gary Lock

We had a great turnout and generous prizes.

Congratulations once again to to Garth Briden for getting another successful series in.

- John Dowsett - Commodore

2019 Smart Marine Auckland Laser and Laser Masters Championship - Results & Report

Over 50 Laser turned up at Tamaki this weekend for the Auckland Laser Champs and Auckland Laser Masters Champs. In a new innovation this years the two events were combined, with the Masters being decided as a one day regatta over 4 races on Saturday as usual, but with a further 4 races on Sunday counting towards the Open Auckland championship, allowing Masters to elect to sail either a one or sail two days and qualify for both contests. This proved a very popular innovation with the sailors, with about half the Masters electing to only sail the Saturday while the other half carried on with the Open event on the Sunday. Unusually we therefore had two prize givings in one weekend, with Saturday's belonging to the Masters and Sunday being the turn of the Open sailors.
Unfortunately conditions on Saturday were, to quote one Master, rather sub optimal! Rain for much of the day, cold temperatures and a dodgy very light Southerly breeze that shifted and died regularly throughout the day provided a major challenge for PRO Garth Briden, let alone the sailors. Add to that the legendary Tamaki tide and slop and I think everyone was pleased to get ashore for a hot shower after 4 very testing races.
In Saturdays Masters Standards 4 different masters winners for the 4 races showed the quality of the fleet but in the end as usual consistency paid and Apprentice Dave Ridleys 1/2/2/3  was enough to secure the title by 3 points from leading Master Cris Brodie. Home club Masters Richard Blakey and Giles Grigg rounded out the top 4 with leading GM Mike Keeton coming out of retirement (again) to stamp his authority on the GM group with a couple of 3rd places underpinning his results. Gary Lock in 7th was the leading GGM. In the Radial Masters visiting Hamilton sailor Lucia Chagas (WM) took home the Radial Masters title and with it the Masters Womens title, pipping fellow Hamiltonian and leading GM Werner Hennig by a point. Behind them GM Kevin Welsh secured 3rd ahead of 3 sailors who were only split by a count back; club commodore Ross Roberts (M), Tauranga visitor Pete Thomas (GM) and yet another Hamiltonian Scott Mcdougal (GM).
So while the Masters trophies were back at the engravers the Open sailors, including about half the Masters who elected to sail both days, hoped for some better conditions on Sunday to complete the Open champs. Sure enough Sunday dawned sunny and with a 10 knot Southerly which, although gusty and shifty as is typical for Tamaki, provided a really great days racing. After day 1 Olympic squad sailor Josh Armit dominated the Standard results with 4 bullets. Unfortunately Josh could not sail Sunday, leaving it for the remaining Standard masters to fight it out with the rest of the open fleet for the title. At the end of the day it was again Apprentice Dave Ridley who took out the first 2 races of the day and followed up with a 3rd to secure the title. Chris Brodie won the last race of the day to secure 2nd overall on count back from an extremely consistent Giles Grigg with Wellington visitor Andrew Dellabarca having a much better day to claim 4th overall.
In the Radials the Youths dominated, with the top sailors continuing what has been fantastic season long tussle for supremacy. This weekend Harrison Baker overturned some of the earlier season results with a decisive series victory, including 5 bullets, over this years Youth Rep Luke Cashmore. Youngster Caleb Armit continued to show great promise with a 3rd overall, a point ahead of a consistent Thomas Mulcahy. First Woman was youth rep Sam Stock in 5th, with the first of the 2 day Masters Werner Hennig finding the pace of the Youths a hard act to match as the leading master in 7th.
Great prizes thanks to the contest sponsor Smart Marine while this years Laser traveller series spot prize winner was Matthew Rist from Manly, who takes home a new Laser sail courtesy of Dan at Watershed
So a very successful weekend and great to see a large Laser fleet out late in the season.
Nick Page

2019 Duncan & Ebbet Tauranga Centreboard Regatta - Results & Report

The Tauranga boat club held its annual dinghy regatta over the weekend of 16 and 17 Feb.  With the good entries it can now feature on the list of annual Laser regattas to attend!
We had participants from Wellington, Ohope, Rotorua, Hamilton and Auckland who well outnumbered the locals. Rumour has it that there are a few more locals soon to join the fleet in Tauranga!
On Saturday we had 3 races in a cracking breeze from the south-west which tested everyone's stamina, not only on the water but also at the very social after match barbecue.  This was a great addition to the event with salads and rolls provided and bring your own meat.  
Sunday started off flat calm and gave us a chance to continue the yarns from the night before. We again had three races with a variety of winners. Kent Copplestone from Rotorua took out the full rigs with Werner Henning from Hamilton winning the Radials.
A big thanks to all those who competed with special thanks to those who travelled some long distances to take part.  
I look forward to more Laser sailors joining in next year and enjoying this fabulous sailing venue.  

Pete Thomas


2019 NZ Laser Nationals Report & Results - Final Day

Final results - 10 am 19th January 2019.

Barfoot & Thompson Laser Nationals Final Day 4 - Snakes and Ladders
The final day of the Barfoot and Thompson NZ Laser Nationals featured some great contests for the final honours. Conditions on the day were gusty and very shifty with an offshore 10 to 15-knot southerly peeling around the cliffs between the bays. This caused problems for many, with frequent OCS's as the wind swung on several occasions as fleets started and many place changes during the beats as the lines of pressure came through. Both the Opens and the Radials sailed an extra race to make up for the races lost on Sunday so all fleets ended with a full complement of races.
In the Open Standard fleet world No 8 Tom Saunders wrapped up the title with wins in the first 2 races. Unfortunately, neither Sam Meech or Phillip Buhl were able to sail the final day, they were both attending former national champ Andy Maloney's wedding (congratulations Andy!). This left Josh Armit and George Gautry to fight it out for the minor placings, with Josh getting the bullet in the final race to take second and the U21 title with George third and consistent Luke Deegan and U21 Alistair Gifford 4th and 5th.
In the Radials youth, Harrison Baker was the star of the day with two wins and a third, more than enough for him to overhaul overnight leader Luke Cashmore (Y) and take the title. Luke held on for second place ahead of leading woman Olivia Christie, who tied on points with Caleb Armit (Y) but took third place on countback thanks to her two wins on Monday. Olivia's Worser Bay teammate Albert Stanley's 3rd in the final race secured 4th overall for him while Scott Leith (O) was a point back in 5th. Samantha Stock had a really consistent day to consolidate her place as the top youth woman.
In the 4.7's Daniel Brodie won a tight battle with Aidan Gordon to take out the title with a strong 2/1 day, with James Goodall from Napier ending up third after a really good contest between the trio. Ryker Green from Manly also had a great day, taking out the first race and following that up with a 3rd in the second race.
In the Masters Standard overnight leader Dave Ridley (A) only needed one decent result to secure the series but had to settle for second after a nightmare day, letting expat Matt Blakey (A) through to take the title. Continuing the expat invasion Gavin Dagley won the last race to finish 3rd overall and leading Grand Master, followed by leading Master Cris Brodie in 4th and defending champ, master Andrew Dellabarca in 5th. Gary Lock was the leading GGM in 13th overall with a couple of good top 10 finishes on the last day securing his position ahead of New Plymouth GGM John Pitman, one of the sufferer of a BFD in the days first race.
Speaking of black flags an unfortunate Richard Blakey, brother of Standards winner Matt, in the Masters Radials crossed the line first in the last race only to find he too had succumbed to the dreaded black, handing the title to defending champ Ed Tam (M) with leading GM Werner Hennig in second and Richard ending up third. GM's Kevin Jenkins from Whangarei and Hamish Atkinson from Christchurch ended 4th and 5th, with Kevin in, particular, enjoying the day with a first and 3rd in the two races.
So another Nationals is wrapped up after superb on and off the water organisation by Manly Sailing Club. Next year we head to New Plymouth, which is sure to offer a whole set of different challenges, with everyone looking forward to surfing the Tasman's ocean swells.
Nick Page

Barfoot & Thompson Laser Nationals Day 3 - Enjoyable Endurance Test
Day 3 of the Barfoot and Thompson Laser Nationals at Manly provided a bit of everything but in the end, delivered a fantastic days sailing for all. The fleet left the beach just after 11am in the rain with a 15 knot NW that then freshened to gusts of 25 knots as they did their pre-race preparation in the strong wind and rain. Come start time at midday things had changed, blue sky and flat calm and everyone wondering if we were in for another frustrating day. But just as depression set in so did a nice gusty, shifty 15-knot offshore breeze and it was all go, with the breeze holding for the rest of the day and fleets eventually completing not only their scheduled race but also a catch up one to make up for yesterday. So after about 7 hours on the water and tons of top quality racing, there were lots of smiles in the boat park, even if half the masters could hardly walk!
In the Standard Opens the 3 top 10 world ranked sailors; Sam Meech, Tom Saunders and Germany's Philipp Buhl, traded the top 3 spots all day, with Sam ending up on top overall, two points ahead of Tom with further two back to Philipp, although Philipp actually had the best of the day with 2 wins and 2 seconds. Fourth overall and leading U21 sailor is Josh Armit, who spent the day battling with Muritai's George Gautrey just behind the 3 leaders.
In the Radial Olivia Christie had a stunner of a day in the first three races (2,1,1) but had a hiccup in the days' last race to lie 4th overall and first Woman. Overall star of the day was Luke Cashmore (Y) who was super consistent (1,4,2,1) to take the overall lead by 4 points from Harrison Baker (Y), who also had a consistent day but could not quite match Luke and Olivia. Scott Leith (O) was his usual solid self to hold 3rd overall while Samantha Stock is the leading Youth Woman in 15th overall. Several other sailors including Annabelle Rennie Younger (WU21), local Matthew Rist (Y) and Bay of Islands James Sheldon (Y) managed one or two top results but found consistency challenging in the conditions, with the big shifts and pressure variations making staying at the top very challenging.
The 4.7's is coming down to a very close battle between Wakatipu's Aidan Gordon and Manly local Daniel Brodie, with Daniel holding a single point lead going into the final day. Jacob Goodall from Napier remains in contention but will need top performances tomorrow to have a chance of unseating the leading pair, while hopefully more moderate conditions tomorrow will be more to the liking of some of those who found todays condition arduous.
in the Masters Standard Dave Ridley (A) continued to show the fleet how its done, with his only blemish being in the first race of the day when he had to settle for second to Aussie expat Matt Blakey. These two sailors have established a significant lead on the balance of the fleet, with defending champ Andrew Dellabarca (M) and ex-World Grand Master titleholder Gavin Dagley (GM) a little way back but having a great tussle for 3rd place. US visitor Mike Matan had a much better day to rise out of the pack and hold 5th overall while many others struggled for top results in a very tightly packed bunch. Leading GGM is New Plymouth's John Pitman, who is narrowly leading Gary Lock.
In the Radial Masters there is a great battle for the title between defending champion Ed Tam (M), and Tamaki's Blakey clan Radial rep Richard (M), who trails Ed by a single point. Hamiltons Werner Hennig (GM) is 7 points back in third but pleased to have navigated the finish line successfully all day after yesterdays masters brain fade moment. The contest for the women's crown is also coming down to the wire, with Hamiltons Lucia Chagas (M) and Napier Gill Waiting (GGM) tied on points going into tomorrows races.
The forecast looks promising for tomorrows final day, with moderate SW offshore winds sure to again provide interesting conditions.
Nick Page


Barfoot & Thompson Laser Nationals Day 2 - Weather Frustrates
Day 2 of the Barfoot and Thompson NZ Laser Nationals dawned with a 10 knot easterly promising a great days sailing. Race 3 started bang on time at midday in a good 8-knot breeze and all 5 fleets completed the race while the breeze held. However, a rainstorm was on the horizon. By the time it arrived and passed through after the first divisions had started race 2, the wind had boxed the compass and then died completely, resulting in Race 4 being abandoned with the fleet becalmed. After a frustrating 3 hour wait, with the breeze repeatedly filling in over parts but not all the course and then dying again, the committee called it a day and the fleet returned to shore.
In the one completed race, the results followed yesterdays form in most fleets. In the Standards Tom Saunders again had the best of a close battle with Sam Meech, giving him a slim 2 point lead over Sam overall. German visitor Philipp Buhl and NZ squad member George Gautrey (U21) were very close behind the leading pair today and now sit 4th and 5th overall as they still carry UFD's from race 1 to sit behind a consistent Luke Deegan in 3rd overall. 
In the Radial fleet Caleb Armit (Y) managed to squeeze past Scott Leith (O) right on the finish line to claim the bullet, with a 3rd place for Harrison Baker (Y) sufficient to keep him in the overall lead ahead of Caleb and Scott. The leading woman remains Annabelle Rennie Younger in 4th overall. She was 9th today after taking a dip off the wind but keeps a 6 point buffer from her leading competition for the women's title, Olivia Christie. Luke Cashmore, Albert Stanley and Thomas Mulcahy were all consistent again today to all stay well in contention.
In the 4.7 local Daniel Brodie had a good win to take the overall lead from yesterdays leader, Napier's Jacob Goodall, while Wakatipu's Aidan Gordon also stayed well in contention with a second.
In the Standard Masters Dave Ridley (A) continued his excellent form, taking his third bullet ahead of defending champ Andrew Dellabarca (M), with Matt Blakey's (A) 3rd keeping him in 2nd overall. In the Radial Masters defending champ Ed Tam (M) continues to hold the overall lead after a 3rd today. GM Werner Hennig took out today's race in spite of almost forgetting to go through the finish line, realising his mistake just in time to get back and hold off Richard Blakey (M) in second and Ed in a photo finish. Stew Taylor (M) and Kevin Jenkins (GM) both got top 6 results to round out a closely bunched top 5.
After today's postponement, an extra race is scheduled for all fleets tomorrow so hopefully, conditions will be favourable and allow a continuation of the top quality racing we have enjoyed to date.
Nick Page


2019 Barfoot and Thompson NZ Laser Nationals - Day 1
Three of the worlds top 10 ranked Laser sailors joined 112 others for two great races to kick off the 2019 Laser Nationals at Manly Sailing Club in Auckland. The first race was held in a light SE breeze, which faded and shifted during the race, to be replaced by a lovely 8 to 10 knot NE sea breeze for the second race of the afternoon.
Kiwi Olympic bronze medallist and world No 1 ranked Sam Meech took out the first race of the day, but had to settle for 2nd overall after the days second race, with compatriot and world No 8 Tom Saunders win in the second race of the day going with his second in race 1 to narrowly lead from Meech. Several of the other favourites including World No 2 Philipp Buhl suffered UFD's in race 1 so they will be looking to keep clean for the rest of the contest and get into the mix.
In the Radials, three sailors stood out with consistent results in both races. Youth Harrison Baker had a really strong day, backing up a runaway win in race 1 with a 3rd in race 2 to lead overall. Women's U21 Olympic hopeful Annabelle Rennie Younger, with a win in race 2 coupled with her 6th in race 1, holds second overall by 1 point from 14-year old rising star Caleb Armit, whos pair of 4th put him well and truly in contention. All the others struggled for consistency but it's early days and the likes of Women's Olympic campaigner Olivia Christie, 2nd in race 1, and this seasons leading Youth to date Luke Cashmore are sure to push the current leaders hard in coming days.
The Standard Masters fleet suffered the brunt of the dying breeze in race 1 before the sea breeze filled in, leading to many sailors having at least one dodgy result. Apprentice Dave Ridley, however, mastered the conditions all day and had a blinder with 2 bullets to lead from AusKiwi visitor Matt Blakey (A). Leading Master is Cris Brodie in 3rd overall, leading GM Gavin Dagley in 5th while Gary Lock is the leading GGM in 9th. Defending champion Andrew Dellabarca had a tough start to the regatta with a 16th in the opening race so has some work to do to defend his title.
In the Radial Masters defending champ, Ed Tam (M) carried on from last year with a pair of seconds to lead from Onerahi's Kevin Jenkins (GM), with a consistent Stew Taylor in third. Both race winners, Steve Harris (M) in race 1 and Richard Blakey (M) in race 2, struggled in the days' other race to finish the day a bit further down the order. Leading GGM is Gill Waiting from Napier.
It was great to see a 4.7 fleet on the water for the first time in several years, featuring several graduates from the host club commodore Russell Coutts O'pen Bic initiative, but it is Napier sailor Jacob Goodall who leads after day 1 from Manly's Daniel Brodie while Aidan Gordon all the way up from Queenstown in 3rd.
Tomorrow looks promising but challenging for the race committee with a moderate but clocking breeze forecast.
Complete results are on the NZLA website /content/2019-nz-laser-nationals-results
Nick Page

2018 Canterbury Laser Champs Results & Report

On the weekend of 15th,16th December, we had 21 Full rig Lasers, 3 Radials, and two 4.7’s racing on the Christchurch estuary for the Canterbury Laser Champs. The Fleet launched from both CYC and Mt Pleasant Yacht Club. 
Saturday and Sunday saw light NE winds of between 5-8 knots. There was a tidal window to get the 3 races in each day. Races were around 35 minutes length and outer 2 courses were sailed. 
Competitors were from CYC, Mt Pleasant, and Naval Point.

2018 South Island Laser Champs Report & Results

The South Island Laser Champs were held at Nelson Sailing Club on December 1st and 2nd.

There were 18 Radials and 4 Full rigs entered from Dunedin, Christchurch, Nelson and Picton.
On Saturday, sailors were held on shore until about noon (beats sitting on a millpond!). We then sailed out to the start line which felt like a race and a half in itself. The winds were 3-5 knots WSW moving to WNW later in the day and then dying away altogether after 3 races were done and dusted.

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