2019 South Island Laser Champs

On the 30th November and 1st December 2019, 13 Radials and about 5 4.7s arrived to a blustery NE.

A decision to race was delayed until 2pm. The wind hadn’t dropped much, and the decision was made to race. Sails were raised with difficulty and a number swopped to 4.7 rigs. At least the start line was very close to the launching site and the water was relatively flat. Spectators had a great view of the action as the wind blew mostly 20-30 knots with a few gusts in the low 30 knots.

We had 2 short races over an outer trapezoid course, some deciding to “granny gybe” thus avoiding a capsize swim. As far as I am aware Peter Graham and Hamish in the Radials and Morris Hall in the 4.7 made it around without a swim. Everyone was relieved to make it back to shore. Jenny Armstrong saying it was the windiest she had been out in her Laser!

Sunday brought nicer weather with a 10-15 knot NE. Jenny and Peter in the Radials sharing the 2 race wins each over 4 races. 

Thanks to Vauxhall yacht club for hosting the regatta. Well done to all.
Hamish Atkinson 201518 

Radial Results

4.7 Results

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