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- 8-9 March - ILCA North Island Freshwater Champs - Lake Taupo YC
Check the online ILCA Laser Handbook for answers on what is legal on your boat. It includes instructions for applying sail numbers.
Read more for all the details ...
It's usually not that bad. If you are sailing a standard unmodified ILCA of any age we will get you through measuring.
We may check anything. But here are the most common things that need to be fixed to pass measuring.
Non-ILCA Parts are not permitted
We are very protective of the 'one design' aspect of the class. You will not be allowed to use any non-ILCA parts such as sails, spars, centre-board, rudder, vang assemblies etc. Even if you have been using them for club racing.
Sail Numbers
We are fussy about sail numbers because they help the race officials, safety boats and especially the finish boat identify you quickly.
Sail Numbers on your hull and trolley
Print your sail number on both sides of your hull, near the stern. Numbers should be 40mm high or more.
Numbers in felt tip permanent marker are ok.
If you are temporarily using a number for this regatta and have old numbers on the hull, tape over them and write the new number on the tape.
Put your sail number on your trolley to help the volunteers find your trolley when you come in.
Mast retaining line
We insist on a mast retaining line. It's a safety thing. There are various options for tying the line. If you're not sure check with another sailor or the measurer.
Check your rivets
Check the rivets on the mast and boom are all tight, and replace any that are loose. We will check these carefully, as a failure during the regatta often means you tie up a safety boat. It can also ruin your race and regatta.
Bent and altered masts
The mast sections must be standard laser parts. The mast fittings must all be in the standard position.
Officially your mast sections must be straight. But we permit the 'normal' amount of bend these sections get with use. We will reject an excessively bent section - and that judgement is up to the measurer.
Rudder angle
We measure the angle between the rudder and the rudder stock as it affects boat performance.
Many have the wrong angle, even new rudders. But it's easy to fix with a file or some electrical tape for packing.
Battens must be a standard laser part. They must not exceed the standard length. Even new ones are wrong sometimes and we will get you to file them down to length. It's easy.
Buying parts at the regatta
You can now buy genuine Laser parts from various retailers, such as;
Advertising on your boat
See John Bullots advice on the advertising permitted on your Laser.
Questions about rules & measuring
First check online: ILCA Laser Handbook
Otherwise email me: