2021 Catalyst NZ Laser Nationals - Final Day 4

A fantastic final day of the 2021 Catalyst Laser Nationals at Worser Bay saw all fleets complete 3 races in a 15 to 25 knot northerly that fortunately eased slightly as the day progressed, contrary to the forecast. It was wind against tide, which gave some good waves and great downwind rides while making everyone work hard on the beats, but did prove a challenge for some resulting in a number of UFD’s .
In the Standards Olympic rep Sam Meech remained simply untouchable, winning every race and I think leading at every mark of the contest. It is Sam’s first NZ Laser Championship and was really an exhibition of supreme quality Laser sailing. George Gautry was on his heels the whole time, although Luke Deegan was able to break Georges run of seconds in the second race of the day, securing third overall in the process. A super consistent Luke Cashmore was 4th overall and was the leading U21 sailor, while leading Master Andrew Dellabarca continued his domination of the masters fleet finishing 5th overall. Leading Apprentice Master was Tim Pitcaithly from Nelson while Owen Anderson, sailing in his home waters, secured the GM title with 3 solid races today.
In the Radial fleet Thomas Mulcahy (Y) from Murrays Bay was almost as dominant as Sam was in the Standards, winning two of today’s 3 races to count 6 bullets and a second for a convincing and well deserved overall win. Second overall and winner of the final race was Matthew Rist from Manly, while open sailor George Lane had a great day with three 2nd places to get up to third overall. Olivia Christie was the leading woman in 5th with Greta Pilkington leading the female Youth group in 11th overall.
In the Radial Masters past Olympic champ Jenny Armstrong (WM) won on count back from Phil Wild (A), with Tauranga’s Pete Thomas leading the GM’s in third overall. Leading GGM was John Pitman in 8th overall.
Overall a very successful contest with Worser Bay living up to its breezy reputation but providing great racing and a wonderful venue in their new clubhouse complex.  Next years contest will be at Queen Charlotte, which is again sure to provide another excellent venue.
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