2019 Northshore Freshwater Champs - Results & Report

All 2019 North Shore Fresh Waters Results

Josh Armit wins 2019 NSFW Laser Champs.

There were 40 competitors and a breeze between 6-25 knots from SW over the weekend 18 & 19 May 2019.

  • 1st Radial and 1st Woman overall Sara Winther
  • 1st Radial Youth and 2nd Radial Luke Cashmore
  • 1st Radial Master Werner Hennig
  • 1st Standard overall Josh Armit
  • 1st Standard Apprentice Master Dave Ridley
  • 1st Standard Master Tony Nicholson
  • 1st Standard Grand Master Mark Hursthouse
  • 1st Standard Great Grand Master Gary Lock

We had a great turnout and generous prizes.

Congratulations once again to to Garth Briden for getting another successful series in.

- John Dowsett - Commodore


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