2019 Duncan & Ebbet Tauranga Centreboard Regatta - Results & Report

The Tauranga boat club held its annual dinghy regatta over the weekend of 16 and 17 Feb.  With the good entries it can now feature on the list of annual Laser regattas to attend!
We had participants from Wellington, Ohope, Rotorua, Hamilton and Auckland who well outnumbered the locals. Rumour has it that there are a few more locals soon to join the fleet in Tauranga!
On Saturday we had 3 races in a cracking breeze from the south-west which tested everyone's stamina, not only on the water but also at the very social after match barbecue.  This was a great addition to the event with salads and rolls provided and bring your own meat.  
Sunday started off flat calm and gave us a chance to continue the yarns from the night before. We again had three races with a variety of winners. Kent Copplestone from Rotorua took out the full rigs with Werner Henning from Hamilton winning the Radials.
A big thanks to all those who competed with special thanks to those who travelled some long distances to take part.  
I look forward to more Laser sailors joining in next year and enjoying this fabulous sailing venue.  

Pete Thomas

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