2018 South Island Laser Champs Report & Results

The South Island Laser Champs were held at Nelson Sailing Club on December 1st and 2nd.

There were 18 Radials and 4 Full rigs entered from Dunedin, Christchurch, Nelson and Picton.
On Saturday, sailors were held on shore until about noon (beats sitting on a millpond!). We then sailed out to the start line which felt like a race and a half in itself. The winds were 3-5 knots WSW moving to WNW later in the day and then dying away altogether after 3 races were done and dusted.

In the Full rigs local Mike Terry dominated with 1,1,1 with Tim Pitcaithly 3,2,2.

In the Radials, GM Hamish Atkinson had a 1,1,3 with Peter Graham 5,3,2 . GGM Richard Ineson claimed the Race 3 bullet.

Day 2 saw another light day. Fortunately, the start line was a bit closer. Racing was underway about noon with the wind a similar 3-5 knots.
Mike Terry continued his dominance with a repeat 1,1,1 Tim had a 2,2,2 and Lachlan Hill 3,3,3. They finished in that order for the overall Full rig results.

In the Radials, Peter Graham had a perfect day with 1,1,1 for the overall title.

Hamish had a bit more of a struggle for 5,3,2 for second overall. Local Youth sailors Burty and Max Meffan sailed a good series for 3rd and 4th overall. Richard Ineson was 1st GGM and 5th overall. Sally Hill was first female and 6th overall.

All praise to Ian Gardiner the race officer who set great courses and kept a quick turn around to get 6 races in light and tricky conditions. Thanks also to Callum Foley-Logan for being the principal organiser.

- Hamish Atkinson Canterbury Laser Fleet and South Island rep

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