2018 Canterbury Laser Champs Results & Report

On the weekend of 15th,16th December, we had 21 Full rig Lasers, 3 Radials, and two 4.7’s racing on the Christchurch estuary for the Canterbury Laser Champs. The Fleet launched from both CYC and Mt Pleasant Yacht Club. 
Saturday and Sunday saw light NE winds of between 5-8 knots. There was a tidal window to get the 3 races in each day. Races were around 35 minutes length and outer 2 courses were sailed. 
Competitors were from CYC, Mt Pleasant, and Naval Point.
In the Full rigs, Hamish Atkinson (Npcl) was victorious with 1,2,1,1,1,dnc  6 pts scorecard. Tim Pitcaithly (Npcl) came second on countback from Mike Bamford (Cyc), both on 11 pts. 
In the Radials, youth sailor Max McLachlan  (Npcl) dominated winning all 6 races.
Laura Prickett (Mpyc) retained her 4.7 title.
Thanks to the fantastic race management team: Alison Rutherford, Peter Stokell and Don le Page.
Thanks also to CYC and commodore Richard Ineson for hosting the event once again.

- Hamish Atkinson Canterbury Laser Fleet and South Island Laser rep.

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