2014 NZ Laser Champs Final Results

Results after the final day.

  • Day 1 - light and tricky - only one race
  • Day 2 - no racing due to strong winds
  • Day 3 - Nelson as advertised - strengthening sea breeze - 4 races for open divisions and 3 for masters
  • Day 4 - Another Nelson beauty - strengthening sea breeze - 4 races for open divisions and 3 for masters

Many thanks to the wonderful volunteers at the Nelson Yacht Club. Great sailing the last 2 days. Very forendly and well organised. Awesome lunches. And Tasman Bay scenary people travel around the world to see.

Click for Full Results

Sailwave results for The NZ Marine Turbochargers 2014 NZL Laser National Championship at Nelson Yacht Club 2014Races 1-9.pdf158.32 KB