2014 Auckland Laser Champs Report

The Auckland Laser Champs at Tamaki over the weekend provided a full variety of conditions over the two days for the 25 sailors who rolled up on Saturday morning.

This included two Omani Open sailors, who have been training in Auckland for the summer and GM Phil Paxton from Canada, who's kiwi wife convinced him to come down for the weekend from the cold of Canada.

On Saturday the breeze was never much over 5 knots, initially from the East and then swinging to the North later in the day. Conditions were challenging for most with a combination of wind shifts, tide and a chop from a busy day on the harbour. With a less than favorable forecast for Sunday PRO Garth Briden got 4 good races away and all sailors had their chances on the day.

In the standard a very consistent Dario Motta from Panmure led on 9 points from Omani visitor Ahmed Balushi with GGM legend Bob Blakey in 3rd, showing that 50 years of local knowledge counts! In the Radials Scott Leith dominated with 3 bullets and a second to lead convincingly from Sara Winther. Youth James Jennings had a great day, marred only by an RAF in the first race when it was pointed out that he had gone inside a fairway mark.

Sunday was a complete contrast with 20 - 25 knots from the SW and wind against tide providing a solid test for the remaining 2 races of the contest. Dario and Nick Page shared the honours  fro the day counting a first and third each in the two races, with Dario ending the weekend the clear winner in the Standard fleet from Ahmed with John Showell in third. In the Radial Scott again dominated to win overall from Sara with Richard Blakey's two thirds on the day not quite sufficient to overhaul James, who ended up third overall.


2014 Auckland Laser Championship - Full Rig.pdf72.3 KB
2014 Auckland Laser Championship - Radial.pdf70.15 KB